Thursday 29 November 2012

Following the White Rabbit!

Like every other child I read Alice in Wonderland too.. like a fable, a story. I enjoyed it every bit as I lived the adventure in my head as I read it. But I never understood the metaphors.

I saw the Matrix and it was instant , the assertive figure of speech of the White Rabbit, the moments of every life, that takes you to the Wonderland, the Life that we live in.

So here I'm following the White Rabbits..'Love'.. my beloved.. tells me I have the gift... 'Reverence'.. her Guru informs me about the path... to illustrate, to write... 'Compassion'... my dearest friends, acquaintances... nudge me to move, to take the step while giving their smiles... 'Affection'... my parents and my family packs me a bindle of their blessings... and I... began with this introduction....

The antipode of my wonderland, My Life.

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  1. I guess you took the red pill :-)

    Awesome blog Arvind!

  2. Glad to read your first chapter in the blog world :)
